Up Late: Pony Time

What a place to start! Sometimes a blank canvas is intimidating, but in this case it's wonderfully exciting.
What a place to start! Sometimes a blank canvas is intimidating, but in this case it’s wonderfully exciting.

At some point, my little girl decided to be, well…a girl. And one of her current favorite things is My Little Pony. Today she told me I need to do laundry so she can wear her My Little Pony underwear. But luckily for me, sometimes I am a step ahead of her.

When she was six months old, I was wandering in a comic book shop and found a plain white MLP. No need to get one second-hand and strip it down…I have an actual blank canvas. And I have been sitting on this pony ever since. Since I am sick of sewing and crocheting, I want to spend more time painting. This is the perfect project because it’s small but still a bit challenging. Plus, I have good motivation to stay on top of it…a little tiny smile.

All she told me is she wants her pony to have pink and purple hair with a green and orange body. On the upside, since she’s only three, she won’t remember exactly what she told me, so as long as I get it close, it will be a hit.

So tonight, I got started on the basics. Hair: now pink. Body: light green base coat down. Later this week: more green and sketching on the pony’s “tattoos” (her words, not mine). I just have to keep in mind it should look nice, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. Because in the hands of a three-year-old, it will be filthy within a week. So look at the progress shots while you can because the afters won’t be pretty.

Dying hair. It's a good thing I had something to watch because this took a good 30 minutes.
Dying hair. It’s a good thing I had something to watch because this took a good 30 minutes.
Very bright, yellowy green. Hopefully that makes the smaller details pop later.
Very bright, yellow green. Hopefully that makes the smaller details pop later.
A decent stopping point for tonight. Now I need to use some better judgement and get some good sleep.
A decent stopping point for tonight. Now I need to use some better judgement and get some good sleep.


    1. Thanks! It took aaaaalll my willpower to not stay up later and keep working on it. But I knew it would take a few days, so I just took a deep breath and went to bed.

      1. I have trouble stopping at stopping points. There are those times when you are working on something where you know you need to stop and take a break, or let something dry, etc. I just want to keep going though.

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